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visual contrast test


The test ofcontrast sensitivity, studied byDG Pelli,JG Robson AndAJ Wilkins to use contrast as a realistic assessment of how objects are seen. Unlike common tests for measuring visual acuity, which evaluate the ability to recognize letters on an optotype chart, the visual acuity testcontrast sensitivity focuses on the ability to distinguish co objectsn different contrasts. This test was formulated byCommittee on Vision of the National Academy of Sciences and National Research Counciland is useful for early detection of eye diseases such asglaucoma, thecataract and theParkinson. The test is made up of two tables of letter triplets organized according to precise indications of spacing and luminance. Contrast sensitivity is an important indicator of visual function, especially in low-light, foggy or glare situations. Discover your perception of contrast with a TEST. Knowing the degree of contrast of your vision will allow you to evaluate whether you need additional  intests to evaluate the health of your vision.



It must be carried outor at a distance of1 meter  and you can use glasses. Perfect vision can detect all 8 lines and all 6 characters that make up the table.

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