Machik Mária
Austro-Hungarian painter, born in Agram, now Zagreb in 1843 - 1895..
Freigned the private art school founded by Jakob Marastoni e was a student of Alajos Györgyi Giergl. Starting in 1864, he exhibited his oil paintings and pastels depicting portraits, characters and genre scenes.
Mária Machik she was the mineralogist's first wife József Sándor Krenner. From this marriage two sons and two daughters were born, including the painter Viktor Tardos-Krenner. In addition to raising her children, Mária Machik painted portraits of clients in the homes of nobles.
His great oversight was not to sign his works, which meant that her name, unsigned, was less well known and that some paintings were less easily attributed to her later. This is because at the time women were not allowed to sign nor, preferably, create their own works: "The female painters were not respected, the men told them to paint only for fun, for their personal pleasure. Even the famous art historian Károly Lyka he expressed himself in a derogatory way about women artists. Mária Machik, however, promised her husband to write something every day about the conditions she experienced. Thus several diaries were written, which were then placed in the cellar by József Sándor Krenner's second wife. Thus, only one of these books has survived, written in German with small Gothic letters.
In the Gresham Palace of Budapest, the painting by Mária Machik entitled "Feeding pigeons".
Mária Máchik Krenner died in Budapest on 16 December 1895, aged 52.
In the early 2020s, some of his works were featured in an exhibition (e.g. "Raus aus dem Warenhaus I") to the Kiscelli Museum Budapest.
Károly Lyka:Machik, Mária. In: Hans Vollmer (ed.): Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. Volume 32: Stephens-Theodotos. E. A. Seemann, Leipzig 1938, p. 514.
Művészet, vol. IX, XIII
Chris Petteys: Dictionary of Women Artists. An international dictionary of women artists born before 1900. G. K. Hall & Co., Boston 1985, p. ?
Jochen Schmidt-Liebich: Lexikon der Künstlerinnen 1700-1900. Germany, Austria, Switzerland. K. G. Saur, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-598-11694-2, p. 291.
Individual references
Károly Lyka: Máchik, Mária, in Hans Vollmer (ed.): Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Künstler des XX. Jahrhunderts (Thieme-Becker), volume 32, p. 514
Jochen Schmidt-Liebich: Lexikon der Künstlerinnen 1700-1900. Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz. Saur, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-598-11694-2, p. 291.
Barcza Reka: A félbevágott festőnő hosszú életének titka - Interjú Gánóczy Máriával, illustrated interview on the website of the Budapest program magazine fidelio on 13 February 2023, last accessed on 27 March 2023. Genealogical information consulted on on 25 March 2023.